5:10am - Kevin's mom drives us to Cincinnati/NKY airport (yes, we are grown men).
6:00am - $8.58 for a sketchy breakfast sandwich and milk. The Gold Star Chili was open. Riddle me this? Who eats chili cheese coneys at 6am?
6:40am - And we're set for take off - nasty morning here in the tri-state area.
8:00am - Nice, quick easy flight into Charlotte - time to wait for the big one.

8:30 - Our good friend Mike (and by good friend I mean a random guy who approached Kevin and I because of my UD hat) stopped by in the airport to say hello. Flyer fans are the friendliest in the country. Dude literally came up, introduced himself and shook our hand.
Quick note on this: I had an extra ticket for the Creighton game and went over to the ticket line to give it away. I had to literally wait in a line to GIVE away a ticket to the game because so many people were doing the same thing - none of which were asking for a dime. Flyer fans are fantastic (sounds like a Secaur headline).
9:00 - Judging by this giant plane display in the airport, these fools think that North Carolina was the birthplace of aviation. Have they ever seen an Ohio license plate? Have they not heard of the Dayton FLYERS? Kevin and I are going around to people one by one and informing them about the REAL birthplace of aviation.

Dayton > Kitty Hawk
9:10 - And they've called our zone. Time to board. We'll try to update on the ground but it's Puerto Rico, I may not touch my computer for the rest of the week.
9:40 - Nice big comfy plane is in the air with about a dozen folks in Flyer gear on board and no sign of Ga. Tech fans; we've already won. Forget the fact there are direct flights from Atlanta to San Juan, Ga. Tech fans travel horribly because there weren't any on a flight from Charlotte.
10:30 - Two ladies in Secaur's row offered him a snack. He first refused but they insisted he take some of their peanut butter crackers, and he happily obliged. What did they offer me you ask? A freaking apple! I declined and I think they were genuinely insulted.
1:15 - This bird has landed. Unfortunately the San Juan airport has one person handling all bags for all airlines. Which leads me to...
2:15 - We get our bags and hop in the car. Below was the reaction when the locals realized UDFlyerNation had descended on their native soil...

2:20 - If you ever fly into San Juan do not wait in the cab line. Apparently there's an option of blowing right by everyone in the line and getting your own cab. Secaur, being the conformist that he is, made us wait in the line (he may argue with this).
The lady in front of us said she was going to our hotel, so we politely offered her a share of our cab. Turns out she's on business and paid for the whole thing. People are being too nice to us ... I feel like this cannot end well.

2:25 - Meet Pablo. Don't bother asking Pablo anything about Puerto Rico. After telling us there was no beach I inquired about the weather, asking if it was on and off sun and rain. Pablo replied, "Ya, sun rain, rain sun".
2:40 - Hotel is tight. Casino downstairs, two bedroom suite. There are two giant clear glass elevators that face the common area. Secaur and I have set the over/under at Thursday at midnight for when our buddy will unveil the full moon to the poor saps in the common area.
That's it folks - time to rock PR style. We'll check in tomorrow.
The fact that you 2 could get yourselves from CVG to your hotel in San Juan leads me to once again conclude that there is value in a UD degree. I will take the over on the full moon. Most importantly has ther been a BG siting yet.