So we have our third must win game of our four game season Sunday. Am I dramatic or is that actually true? Vote on the poll.
The Game
Well, we lost. I’m not gonna talk a lot about it because I’m still in the “I’m pissed off” zone. Maybe Secaur will give a rundown later. However I do have a few bullets.
*We need to get buckets when we needed them and we didn’t. Did that make sense? The first ten minutes of the second half were brutal. When you play the #5 team in the country, you cannot wait until the last five minutes to make your run.
*Nova is a solid squad. We spoke with an older gentleman in front of us from NY who remembered a man named Arlen Bockhorn playing in Madison Square Garden. I pointed out Buckey for him sitting next to Larry across the court. He liked it.
*In general, Nova fans were nice. I commented in the bathroom, to a priest, that we both hate Jesuits. He laughed. You can't beat a good priest joke ... ever.
*That last run was nice. Swing of the game for me was when CJ missed that three and they scored on the next possession. Not sure of the timing, maybe around two minutes left to go. Needed that one and badly.
*Luke haters, where are you? We don't win without him yesterday and we aren't close today if he's not on the floor. Is it just cool to hate on the kid, even if he does well? BG had him on the floor in the final minutes of the game at the 5 over Kurt - look for that to be a trend, especially if we're down.
OK, game analysis is over, time for sweet stuff that happened in PR.
*We ask the bartender where we should go for the night, and he told us about a bar called Lupis. Naturally we ask directions and he gives us the following answer: “You go up two blocks and take a right, and about one block after the cock fighting arena you’ll see it”.
Your reaction reading that was this same as ours. Ummm, COCK FIGHING ARENA?!?! Seriously?!? We then asked him for the details and we’re determined to place a hefty wager on the finest cock in Puerto Rico (take it easy, perverts). Not really sure if “our type” are welcome inside Cock Fighting Stadium but we’re ready to test the waters. They fight tomorrow and we’ll be there.

*So yesterday we played Ga. Tech. You remember when Favors missed the free throw early in the first half? During his free throws I was screaming, and I mean screaming at him about how he was too concerned about the NBA draft. I was asking, “What pick are you Favors? Too concerned about the draft, Favors?” His mother was not happy with me in the least bit. She turned around, looked me in the eye and screamed in my face, “SPOT HATIN'!! STOP HATIN'!!!” When Favors (and his mother) are rich, I guess I’ll have a story to tell.
*UD students, weak effort. Kansas State has about 15 dudes who just rock and roll every night. They’ve skipped class (before they even knew what classes they were taking) so that they could rock out in San Juan. It’s a giant sausage fest but it’s freaking hilarious. I’m now a Kansas State fan unless we play them.
*There really aren’t rules in Puerto Rico. Seriously. You can drive wherever you want without consequence of traffic offenses. Traffic rules here are suggestions only. Drinking beer in the cab is not frowned upon. No meters in the cab, all prices are negotiable. Drinking/gambling age is 18 (more to come on this next). This place is Paradise.
*We found out last night that an individual can drink and gamble here when they are 18 years of age. When my parents were calling other parents to make sure they supervised me at an overnight party, I could have been drinking and gambling in Puerto Rico. I guess I was doing that anyway, minus the Puerto Rico part, however I regret never taking advantage of an underage vacation here.
*I was really loud at the game tonight. My brother texted me to say that he could hear, “Call the charge both ways, sir” on the radio broadcast. Larry and Bucky were sitting cross court from me so I was proud. At halftime I was complimented/insulted by several Villanova fans about my antics. One lady said, “You are loud, we don’t’ like you, but we wish we had a fan like you here tonight.” Greatest compliment I’ve ever had in my life. I'm a Bengals fan and it's kinda how I feel about Hines Ward.
*Good night at the craps table last night for UDFlyerNation.
*We’re still looking for Blackburn and Fieldhouse. We’re thinking of having a blog party, just as long is it doesn’t sound like any of Blackburn’s podcasts. I’m guessing the party would be filled with awkward conversation of Ray wondering why he’s the best writer while Blackburn wonders why most readers are offended by everything on his blog. Advantage still stays with UDFlyerNation.blogspot.com
Strong, very strong. Blackburn and Fieldhouse got nothin.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I really enjoy reading both of their blogs - Ray and Blackburn have real actual writing talent. Im a hack who just knows a lot about the Flyers.
ReplyDeleteBlog on...
Reason #2,376 why you shouldn't post drunk. And speak for yourself about craps, I was down big last night.
ReplyDeleteA win against KState and this was a great roadtrip for us, a loss and we return to a weak schedule without the national respect. This is a must win. I hope the Flyers hate the tase of the loss, we have traditionally been good after losses under BG.